CWF Logo of a clock

Board Members


Debra J. Dockins

Vice President:

Carol Kennard


Robert G. Hanseman


Christopher Wysong

Board Members:

Arun Aggarwal

Mamle Anim, MD

Michael D. Bevis

Scott D. Colwell

Brendan Cunningham (Past President)

Carol G. Kennard

Kevin L. McDonald (Past President)

Rachel Selby

Kelly Uhl

Ex Officio:

Brooks A. Compton

Scott Paulson


Richard L. Carr

Robert E. Daley

Jack Lohbeck (Past Treasurer)

Centerville-Washington Foundation Board and Committees:

Development Committee:
Michael D. Bevis - Chair
Rachel Selby
John W. Lohbeck (Jack)
Chris Wysong
Kevin L. McDonald

Diversity Committee
Mamle Anim (co-chair)
Scott D. Colwell (co-chair)
Karen Moon
Steve Rudisill

Events Committee:
Carol Kennard - Chair
Michael D. Bevis
Debra J. Dockins
Kevin McDonald
Kate Trangenstein
Kelly Uhl

Grants Committee:
Scott  D. Colwell - Chair
Debra J. Dockins
John W. Lohbeck (Jack)
Robert G.Hanseman

Nominating Committee:
Michael D. Bevis - Chair
Rachel Selby

Marketing Committee:
Michael D. Bevis - Chair
Kate Trangenstein

Hops & Props Committee:
Michael D. Bevis - Chair
Brendan Cunningham
Debra J. Dockins
Carol Kennard
Kate Trangenstein

CWF Logo of a clock
Foundation is a component
fund of The Dayton Foundation
 © Centerville-Washington Foundation
Site donated by Arehart Web and Tech of Centerville, Ohio
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